On Oct. 18, 2012, talented high school student vocalists from all over Bergen County gathered at Cresskill High School to audition for Bergen County Chorus. Out of all these students who came to audition, approximately 22 students were from the Academies @ Englewood. More than half were accepted.
“I’m really proud of how they did. All of the students who auditioned had a good shot at making it,” music director Sandra Meltzer said. “Even the students who didn’t get in still had a valuable experience because they got to mingle with lots of other students who like to sing as much as they do and have an audition experience.”
The requirements of the audition included the solo piece, chromatic and diatonic scales, and tonal memory. Despite this difficult and competitive process, 12 AE students were accepted.
The students accepted into Bergen County Chorus are freshmen Yea In Kim, Daniel Pak and Joseph Park, sophomore Daniel Park, juniors Johanna Bekas, Emily Dubon, Gene Han and Christian Macias, and seniors Colin Chiang, Jennie DeCastro, Jenny Im and Jeffery Jung,.
“When I heard that I was accepted into Bergen County Chorus, I felt very honored to represent our school in a positive way and excited to be in a chorus with such a high reputation,” freshman Daniel Pak said. “I think that the best part of being in the chorus will be meeting friends and learning from the top directors as well as other students of the county.”
The students in Bergen County Chorus have to practice the assigned music on their own and will have three rehearsals at Westwood High School before the concert on Jan. 13, 2013.
“The County Chorus experience is a valuable experience from beginning to end. The audition is valuable and for the students that get accepted, being part of this larger chorus with students from all over Bergen County that are all as good as they are is incredible,” Ms. Meltzer said. “I’m happy to be able to give them this opportunity.”