Amna Ahmed: A Proposal to Give Back

Just for a second, close your eyes. Instead of the more privileged people you see around you, picture people in poverty. Their medical needs are denied. They hopelessly live each day to the next. It is not America, where health care is a right. It is Pakistan, where health care is only reserved for the rich. Amna Ahmed has attested to these sad truths herself.
Amna has traveled to Pakistani where she has seen what she calls “tragedies due to lack of money.” It inspired her. She desperately wants to help.
“Seeing these people struggle and then coming back to America to see people provided with health care is a huge eye opener,” she explained. “I plan to go back there in the future and help as much as I can,” said Amna over the top of her rectangular glasses.
Until her compassionate return to Pakistan, Amna is learning as much as she can firsthand.
“I sought for an internship at Valley Hospital. There, I’ve witnessed and helped with many procedures firsthand,” she explained.
At the hospital, she has seen stitches, circumcisions, and even C-sections.
“Apparently it is suggested to pee after a c-section,” said Amna, displaying one of the many things she has learned at her internship.
Her favorite moment of the internship was when she saw the delivery of a newborn baby.
“At first, I was really nervous because I’ve never seen anything like that. I was told not to touch anything because everything including the doctor was sterile,” said Amna. “I expected it to be a lot more hectic, but it was actually really relaxed and simple. I was so shocked when I saw the head for the first time. It kind of just popped out!”
Amna attributes most of her academic success to her mother and grandmother.
“I’ve always been inspired by my mom and my mom’s mom,” said Amna beaming. “They’re very independent women who have encouraged me to pursue education.
In Pakistani culture, it is the norm for men to work and for the women to stay at home. However, Amna challenges this norm with the intension of being not only an independent woman but also a successful one. She has earned a 3rd place science fair trophy (NJRSF), a French honor certificate, and has a very impressive track record here at DMAE as well.
The future is rich with opportunities for Amna, as her success and experience in high school ensures her numerous possibilities.
“I plan to go to college, then attend medical school, and eventually become an OBGYN,” Amna said. “Then of course, I want to return to Pakistan and use what I’ve learned, and will learn, to help others there.”
Once more, close your eyes and picture people struggling in Pakistan. However, this time picture the DMAE’s very own Amna Ahmed at their side with a dangling stethoscope.