$600 in Pancakes
So what’s the difference between a flapjack and a pancake?
Flapjacks are made out of a mixture of oat’s and butter and they are also made in the oven. However, pancakes are made out of flour, milk, and eggs and are fried. Both, however taste great with syrup and this was what the senior class was counting on in the hope that folks would come out for to support them. And they did.
This senior class fundraiser was held on Saturday, Feb. 1, 2014, at Applebee’s of Hackensack with tickets at only $10.00. Many people were excited for this event.
“Serving the food and seeing the kitchen was my favorite part,” senior Jasmine Dennis said. “But another cool part about this fundraiser was selling the tickets because it forced us to interact with each and we also saw how the administrators were eager to support us,” Jasmine added.
Vice Principal Joseph Armental brought his family for the tasty event.
Mindy Rochman was in charge of the fundraiser and arranged to have the seniors serving the food to make it fun. Other seniors and their families showed up but the event was also open to the public as well.
“We did this because it was something different and we thought people would be interested,” Ms. Rochman said.
This fundraiser was a huge for the class of 2014.
“We were very happy with it because we made a $600 dollars profit,” Ms. Rochman said.
The money will be used for all the senior activities planned for the class of 2014.