DMAE Presents Monthly Art Contest

Unquestionably, DMAE has lacked an overall emphasis on the arts, particularly in visual art. Fortunately, the National Art Honor Society (NAHS) has recently worked on developing a monthly themed art contest for the foreseeable future. The NAHS hopes to increase the incorporation of art at DMAE through the recurring contest where the winning piece would earn a feature along with a close-up on the artist, which would be featured on The Maroon Tribune website. The honor society has aimed to further emphasize art through the contest in order to provide chances for more exposure to the numerous artists on campus.
“In the past, students could come to open art studio periods during lunch and hang out making art in the art rooms,” art teacher Mauricio Rodriguez explained. “Times sure have changed, and we will continue to adjust our ways to welcome and celebrate the cool ideas and awesome talents that are found at DMAE,” Mr. Rodriguez added.

Furthermore, the NAHS has been engaged in curating a variety of monthly themes that range from ideas inspired by famous artists to relevant current events. They aim to generate themes that cater to and interest a variety of students, rather than just individuals who are already artists. By including themes correlated to relevant events, the NAHS also ambitiously aims to provide students with a creative outlet to visually express their feelings.
“Well, I think that would be a great idea because during quarantine students definitely need some sort of method of expressing themselves, and an art competition would be a nice way to depend emotionally on art while also showcasing what you have done,” junior Serena Isahak shared.
Especially considering the current times, opportunities to engage in the arts are limited at DMAE. Moreover, art courses are numbered, particularly in the Academies where students can only take an art elective as upperclassmen. Thus, the art department has intensely struggled with maintaining the art spirit amid these conditions that have limited most activity. In addition, student art also lacks exhibition and recognition at DMAE, as most of the art displays are located in secluded hallways. As a result, the NAHS strives for the rise of visual art via the contest, as students could have the chance to be recognized on more platforms.
“It is time for a renaissance of student exposure to the visual arts especially for those that can’t have art classes because of the structure of the curriculum, especially during a time of a pandemic and of virtual everything,” Mr. Rodriguez said.
To stay informed, active, and supportive of the art department’s efforts to increment artistic expression, follow @dmaearts and @dmae.nahs on Instagram.

Andrea Olavarrieta is a bilingual sophomore in the Information Systems Academy and a first-year writer for The Maroon Tribune. In addition to writing for...