Project Happiness Gave A Warm Welcome
Students at DMHS have just emerged from well over a year of life in seclusion and isolation. They had to drag themselves out from under their blanket fort and say goodbye to the days of shut-off cameras and muted mics. During the height of quarantine, not only were students’ lives lacking in their personal relationships, but also in their relationships with teachers. Students found it difficult to feel supported by and engaged with their teachers due to the inevitable barrier a digital platform creates.
That is precisely why the ‘Welcome Back’ video created by the Project Happiness club is exactly what the students needed.
The warmth that radiated from the smiles and voices of all the teachers in the video was enough to make anyone feel appreciated and excited to be back on campus.
“Our goals are to spread positivity on campus, promote self-care and mental health, and just be inspiring to others. One of our pillars is the act of being kind to others. One act of kindness can be infectious” club advisor Melissa Conceicao said.
In the recording, teachers can be spotted smiling brightly and offering positive affirmations of appreciation, their arms wide open. It was an assuring message for everyone, especially those who have missed having in-person school.
“When I saw the video, I felt genuinely welcomed and excited to see all my teachers again,” junior Radha Shah chimed in.
Project Happiness is spreading an air of positivity on campus, and there is much more to come. The club is already planning what to do in the future, hoping to inspire even more joy.
“Stay tuned for what we have for December,” Ms. Conceicao teased.

Caroline Vasquez is a junior in the Biomedicine Academy at Dwight Morrow High School and is a first-year reporter for The Maroon Tribune. She is a member...