Student Council Anchors Club Fair
On Thursday, Jan. 13, 2022, Student Council members held the virtual DMHS Club Fair afterschool on Microsoft Teams. They created a specialty TEAMS page, where all students were welcome to join.
Approximately 140 students and faculty attended the meeting. Represented in the club were more than 40 honor societies and clubs. Some of the clubs and societies shown were the American Red Cross, Make-A-Wish, Project Happiness, National Honor Society, English Honor Society and even The Maroon Tribune newspaper Club.
“I was disappointed that the Club Fair wasn’t in person, but going to it virtually made it easy to access and allowed me to join a new club,” said freshman Jimin Lee enthusiastically.
Danielle O’Shea supervised the event and planned it along with Student Council Members. After lots of preparation, they formed a powerpoint that showcased all the clubs available to join. A member of each club briefly talked about their club, giving other students the chance to see which one would be the best fit for them. After the main presentation students joined breakout channels for clubs they were interested in to get more information by meeting members and asking questions.
“I truly hope some underclassmen students found a club to call ‘home’ during our event and I am, as always, appreciative and impressed with my own club members and all their hard work and diligence to ensure a productive and very much needed event on our campus,” Ms. O’Shea said.
The Club Fair was a huge achievement allowing the clubs to gain members and become more known.

Olivia Sudol, a sophomore in the Biomedicine Academy, is a second-year member and an editor of The Maroon Tribune. In her free time, she enjoys playing...